News aus der Stahlwelt: Entwicklungen und Innovationen bei UnionStahl

The DWT test: proof of fracture mechanics for materials

The DWT test, also known as the Pellini or drop weight test, determines the Nil Ductility Transition Temperature (NDT) and is used to assess the fracture resistance of ferritic steels.

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Sour gas-resistant steel grades – how to defy the rust monster

For use in pipelines and pressure vessels that come into contact with sour gas, steel grades with high purity, homogeneous microstructure and low sulphur content are essential in order to prevent hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC).

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The modulus of elasticity

Steel is an indispensable material in many industries. Its high strength and rigidity make it ideal for the construction of bridges, machines and systems. But how can you calculate how resilient steel is? This is where the modulus of elasticity comes into play.

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